

艺术历史 Major

The art 历史 major consists of ten courses.

Required 课程
Select one introductory ARTH course (numbered 1100–1999).1
Select one of the following:1
One ARTH course numbered 1100-1999
One ARTH first year writing seminar (1000-1049)
One 视觉艺术 (VART) course
Select one course in African, Asian, or Ancient American 艺术历史 numbered 2000-2969.1
Culture 和 Crisis in Modern 和 Contemporary Japanese Art
From Empire to Nation-State: Modern Chinese Art
From Mao to Now: Contemporary Chinese Art
Cosmographies 和 Ecologies in Chinese Art
Select one course from Ancient 和 Medieval European 艺术历史 numbered 2000-2969:1
ARTH 2090/ARCH 1101
Greek Archaeology
ARTH 2100/ARCH 1102
Roman Archaeology
ARTH 2130 Art of Three Faiths: Christian, 犹太人, Islamic Art 和 Architecture, Third to Twelfth Centuries
The Gothic World
Illuminated Manuscripts 和 Early Printed Books
Northern European Art of the Fifteenth 和 Sixteenth Centuries
Select one course from Renaissance 和 Baroque European 艺术历史 numbered 2000-2969:1
The Medici's Italy: Art, Politics, Religion, 1300-1600
The 艺术 of Venice
Monstrosity 和 Elegance: Mannerism in European Court Art, 1500-1600.
Art in the Age of Velazquez, Rembr和t, Caravaggio
Select one course from Modern 和 Contemporary European 和 American 艺术历史 numbered 2000-2969:1
ARTH 2410 Sugar, Tobacco, Rice, Rum: Art 和 Identity in Atlantic World, 1620–1812
ARTH 2420 Realism 和 Its Discontents: European Art, 1839-1900
Shoot, Snap, Instagram: A History of Photography in America
The Art of Making 和 Meaning
Contemporary Art
American Art I: Colonial Period to the Civil War
American Art from the Civil War to 1945
Select two additional ARTH courses numbered 2000 or higher.2
Select two advanced ARTH seminars (numbered 3000–3999).2

艺术历史 Minor

Required 课程
Select one introductory ARTH course (numbered 1100-1999).1
Select two intermediate ARTH courses (numbered 2000–2999).2
Select one advanced ARTH course (numbered 3000–3999).1
Select one additional ARTH course at any level. a1

课程 that count toward the major 和 minor must be taken for regular letter grades (not Credit/D/Fail), students must earn grades of C- or better in these courses.

Seminars in 艺术历史

The seminars are intended to utilize the scholarly interests of members of the department 和 provide an opportunity for advanced work for selected students who have successfully completed enough of the regular courses to possess a sufficient background. The department does not expect to give all, or in some cases any, seminars each semester. As the seminars are varied, a given topic may be offered only once, or its form changed considerably from time to time.


视觉艺术 Major

The major consists of ten courses.

Required 课程
VART 1101画我1
Select two of the following:2
VART 1201
Printmaking I
VART 1401
Photography I
VART 1601
VART 1702
VART 3902Advanced Studio1
Select one 3000-level visual arts course labelled generally as Guided Independent Studio Practice. c1
Select four additional visual arts electives. d4
Select one course in art 历史.1

视觉艺术 Minor

The minor consists of six courses.

Required 课程
VART 1101画我1
Select one of the following:1
VART 1201
Printmaking I
VART 1401
Photography I
VART 1601
VART 1701
Digital Media I
Select three additional visual arts courses. e3
Select one course in art 历史 at any level.1

课程 that count toward the major 和 minor must be taken for regular letter grades (not Credit/D/Fail), students must earn grades of C- or better in these courses.

A maximum of two studio visual arts courses 和 one art 历史 course (for a total of three courses) taken at another college or university may count toward the major or minor in visual arts, with departmental approval of that transfer credit.

Visual arts courses without prerequisites are frequently oversubscribed; registration preference is then given to first- 和 second-year students, as well as to juniors 和 seniors fulfilling requirements of the visual arts major or minor.

Interdisciplinary Majors

Art 历史 participates in interdisciplinary programs in art 历史 和 archaeology, in art 历史 和 visual arts. Art 历史 majors may pursue a coordinate major with digital 和 computational studies, environmental studies, 或教育. 看到 Interdisciplinary Majors.

Visual arts participates in interdisciplinary programs in art 历史 和 visual arts. Visual arts majors may pursue a coordinate major with digital 和 computational studies, environmental studies, 或教育. 看到 Interdisciplinary Majors.

Additional Information 和 Department 政策


  • Students who received a minimum score of four on the 艺术历史 Advanced Placement exam may replace one introductory 艺术历史 course (numbered 1100-–1999) with any upper-level course for the art 历史 major 和 art 历史 minor. In order to receive credit for Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate work, students must have their scores officially reported to the Office of the Registrar by the end of their sophomore year at Bowdoin.
  • Majors 和 minors in art 历史 may double-count one course with another major or minor as long as the course is cross-listed with art 历史. 
  • Art 历史 majors are also encouraged to take courses in foreign languages 和 literature, 历史, 哲学, 宗教, the other arts.
  • A maximum of two courses for one semester of study from another college or university may count toward the major in art 历史 with departmental approval of that transfer credit. If a student studies away for a full academic year, three courses from another college or university may count toward their art 历史 major with departmental approval.
  • Only one course for one semester of study from another college or university may count toward a student’s art 历史 minor with departmental approval.


  • Students who receive a four on the Studio Art: 2-D Design, Studio Art: 3-D Design, or Studio Art: Drawing AP exams, 和完整的 VART 1101 画我VART 1201 Printmaking IVART 1401 Photography I, or VART 1601 雕塑我, with a minimum grade of B-, are eligible to receive a general credit toward their degree, but not major/minor credit. If a student has scores for more than one exam, only 1 total credit will be awarded. For information on credit for International Baccalaureate scores, please see the visual arts department. In order to receive credit for Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate work, students must have their scores officially reported to the Office of the Registrar by the end of their sophomore year at Bowdoin.
  • Majors 和 minors in visual arts may double-count an unlimited number of courses with another major or minor as long as the course is cross-listed with visual arts.

Information for Incoming Students: 艺术历史

Art 历史 offers ways to underst和 our world 和 our histories through the visual arts. We look at the ways people have expressed their ideas, responded to their experiences, created the world they lived in through paintings, 雕塑, 建筑, 家具, 珠宝, stained glass, much more.  By teaching you how to look closely, 艺术历史 provides you with new ways to think about the images 和 objects around you.

Art 历史 is offering two first-year writing seminars this fall: 分1021 Faked, Forged, Stolen, Repatriated: Crimes Against Art 和 分1028 Art 和 Race from the Crusades to Colonization . First-year students are also welcome to join all our 1000- 和 2000- level courses. The 1000-level courses offer more general introductions to broad themes in art 历史: 分1120 Introduction to 艺术历史: The Body in East Asian Art 和 分1220 Making Medieval Art. The 2000-level courses allow students to dive more deeply into specific topics 和 periods, but there is no expectation that students have any previous experience with art 历史: 分2330 Materializing the Self 和 Other in Early 现代艺术, 分2440 Shoot, Snap, Instagram: A History of Photography in America, 分2510 Industry 和 Imperialism: Nineteenth-Century British Art, 分2710 Cosmographies 和 Ecologies in Chinese Art.

Information for Incoming Students: 视觉艺术

VART 1101 画我, VART 1201 Printmaking IVART 1401 Photography I, VART 1601 雕塑我 or VART 1702 视频我 are recommended to all students as a starting place in the visual arts curriculum, regardless of previous studio art experience. These courses have no prerequisites 和 presume no previous knowledge or aptitude beforeh和, only a strong interest in the subject 和 the willingness to work. Students who have never taken an art class will be strongly welcomed 和 encouraged. 

Materials 和 fees: Students are responsible for paying the first $100 of art materials. An endowed fund (the Kaempfer Fund) will pay the cost of additional art materials - up to $600 for photography courses 和 up to $300 for other courses - for all registered students. 

Introductory credit: student requests to apply AP credit or previous college credit to the major or minor will be discussed by the department on a case-by-case basis. We do not waive the requirement of VART 1101 画我 as a major or minor requirement or as a prerequisite for VART 1301 画我.

This is an excerpt from the official Bowdoin College Catalogue 和 Academic H和book. View the Catalogue
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